New Paid Covid Sick Leave Law For Employers with 26 or More Employees
New Paid Covid Sick Leave Law For Employers with 26 or More Employees

California has enacted a new paid Covid Sick Leave Law (Labor Code section 248.6) effective February 19, 2022 that applies to employers with 26 or more employees and provides potentially up to 80 hours of paid sick leave for qualified employees.  The leave applies to anyone at covered employers (with 26 or more employees) from January 1, 2022 through September 20, 2022.  So, workers who already missed work due to  Covid would be entitled to paid leave for the time they missed subject to the requirements set forth below.  (Employers who already voluntarily provided paid leave for Covid illness this... READ MORE

Good News for Employers: AB1119 / AB95 Bills Die

Several bills impacting employers have been going through the legislative process during these past months and two carryover bills AB1119 / AB95 considered “job killer” bills that would have expanded mandates on employers died in the Assembly fiscal committee. AB 1119 would have required employers to accommodate any employee with family responsibilities with uncapped protected leave for employees to request time off and likely exposed employers to costly litigation under the Fair Employment and Housing Act. If passed, this bill could have enabled an employee to challenge any adverse employment action as being related to the employee’s family responsibilities, rather... READ MORE

What is an employer required to do when an employee tests positive for COVID?

Under AB 685, when an employee tests positive for Covid, the employer must notify employees and other onsite workers who may have been exposed to COVID-19 and to report workplace outbreaks to the local health department.  Notify Employees and Potentially Exposed Workers Within one business day of notice of the potential exposure, the employer must provide written notice to employees and employers of subcontracted employees who were on the premises at the same worksite as the worker diagnosed with COVID-19 during the infectious period. Written notice can be in a manner the employer normally uses to communicate employment-related information. The... READ MORE

Loyalty Program Enforcement Under the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA)

Earlier this year, the California Attorney General Rob Bonta announced an enforcement sweep of loyalty programs operated by retailers, supermarkets, home improvement stores, travel companies, and food service companies. The Office of the Attorney General has issued notice of noncompliance letters to a number of businesses offering financial incentives, such as discounts, free items, or other rewards, in exchange for personal information, that their office believes might not be fully compliant with the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). What is a loyalty program? While structured in a variety of ways, loyalty programs often track how much consumers have spent and/or... READ MORE

Five Important Considerations Before Terminating An Employee

The decision to terminate an employee is often a difficult one.  Whether due to finding a replacement, the stress and aggravation the employee situation has become, or due to the potential exposure and liability you could face if the separation is not handled correctly.  However, by ensuring that you have taken into consideration 5 important issues when making the termination decision, you can proceed with the separation, in a fair and consistent manner which best protects your organization.  Is the Decision Justified and Not A surprise to the employee? To protect the organization as well as to avoid turnover whenever... READ MORE

The Reality of Trademarks

By Admin January 12, 2022    Category: Business Law

The Reality of Trademarks

You’ve got this great idea and you love the name you’ve come up with for the brand. You’ve put up a website, created a logo for it, built a business model around the idea and started inviting people to buy, join or invest. Maybe you’ve had a year of moderate success or even super achievements. Then, one day you get that letter or email saying “Hey, that’s my trademark, my brand and my business! We own this and you need to cease and desist from using the brand any further.” (Paraphrased. These notices are a lot stronger with more legalese... READ MORE

It’s a brand new year… Does your business structure support your business goals?

Solid legal structures based on setting up the right business entity and working with customized contracts are essential for business success. But is your business structure outdated based on where you’re at today? The legal structure you originally set up has worked for your business to this point, but each year brings numerous changes to tax laws, employment laws, and other areas that may impact your business and its liability implications. As we continue to grow and evolve in our business, it’s always a good idea to check in with your business attorney, accountant and tax advisor regarding where your... READ MORE

Required California and Federal Labor Law Postings (effective January 1, 2022)

Every California employer is required to display current California and Federal Labor Law postings at each company facility; physically posted in conspicuous places in the workplace, such as break rooms or other common areas, where employees can easily read them. Remote Employees: In addition to physical postings at the company facility, employers with remote employees who work entirely from home, must mail hard copies of the required employment notices to the employees homes where they can be posted. If the remote workers periodically report to a physical location, notices must also be posted and visible in that location.  Employers have... READ MORE

New Employment Laws For California Employers in 2022

The Governor has signed into law several new pieces of legislation effective January 1, 2022.   Here are the changes that impact your business. Minimum Wage Increase in California Minimum wage for California workers of Employers with 26 or more employees will increase to $15.00 per hour.  For employers with 25 or fewer employees, minimum wage will be $14.00 per hour. Note that for the City of Los Angeles, minimum wage is $15.00 per hour regardless of the employer’s size. (Related Article: Be sure to read about required California and Federal Labor Law Postings and how it includes remote employees... READ MORE

Legalities of Book Publishing

By Admin November 09, 2021    Category: Business Law

Legalities of Book Publishing

As an entrepreneur, having your own book has a number of benefits in setting yourself apart in your industry and even helping others by sharing your story or experience. Writing a book provides you with credibility, you can call yourself an author, and it opens you up to more opportunities when it comes to being seen in the media or getting speaking opportunities which can also set you up as an expert in your field.  Whether self publishing or working with a book publisher, there are legal considerations you need to be aware of while writing your book, before you... READ MORE