Fake Trademark Renewal Letters Are Still Out There – What To Watch For To Protect Your Business
Fake Trademark Renewal Letters Are Still Out There – What To Watch For To Protect Your Business

“Is this a legitimate notice?” This is a question our clients ask us all the time when they receive official-looking documents. Quite often, we tell them that it is not and they can dispose of it in the proper receptacle. However, a business owner cannot take the chance of disregarding an actual governmental notice, so the utmost care should be exercised in evaluating these notices. In today’s online and digital world, the battle to protect intellectual property and business assets continues to be a chore. Fake trademark renewal letters are one of those scams that are still out there and... READ MORE

Ready or Not – AI is Here!  Thoughts on Legal Disclosures When Using AI in Business

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionized various industries, including creative services like marketing, graphic design, website development as well as legal services. One key question that arises is whether a professional needs to disclose the use of AI in their work. As legal jurisdiction and case law have yet to fully play out exactly where things may go, in this article, we delve into the topic and provide what we believe to be best practices in a new world as more professionals use AI in their business. Understanding What AI Is and How It Can Be Used AI technology has been... READ MORE

Protect Your Business: The Ultimate Guide to Trademarks for Small Business Owners

We can’t emphasize enough just how important it is for business owners to protect their intellectual property, including trademarks. A trademark is a word, phrase, symbol, or design that identifies and distinguishes a company's products or services from those of others in the marketplace. This is what makes your brand memorable and recognizable.  When Should You File a Trademark? Small business owners should also consider the timing of their trademark filing and do the research. The simplest way to see if your brand is already in use is by doing a simple google search and a trademark search at the... READ MORE

The Reality of Trademarks

By Admin January 12, 2022    Category: Business Law

The Reality of Trademarks

You’ve got this great idea and you love the name you’ve come up with for the brand. You’ve put up a website, created a logo for it, built a business model around the idea and started inviting people to buy, join or invest. Maybe you’ve had a year of moderate success or even super achievements. Then, one day you get that letter or email saying “Hey, that’s my trademark, my brand and my business! We own this and you need to cease and desist from using the brand any further.” (Paraphrased. These notices are a lot stronger with more legalese... READ MORE

Licensing Intellectual Property

By DeAnn Chase September 28, 2018    Category: Business Law

Licensing Intellectual Property

Licensing intellectual property allows businesses to capitalize on the name of other brands in exchange for royalty payments. The owner of the intellectual property is known as the licensor and the business or individual gaining a right to use the intellectual property is known as the licensee. There are many well-known brands and products that utilize licensing as part of their business strategy. For example, t-shirts, shoes, hats, etc. bearing the name of a sports team requires a licensing agreement that explicitly permits the manufacturer to produce these goods with the sports team’s intellectual property emblazoned upon it. Generally, the... READ MORE