Be Prepared:  Avoid Household Employee Wage and Hour Claims
Be Prepared:  Avoid Household Employee Wage and Hour Claims

Many families hire workers at their home to provide a variety of services from housecleaning, cooking, child care, as well as elderly care. However, most families are unaware that the same or similar wage and hour laws that apply at places of business also apply to the people who work for them at home. In fact, we have seen an alarming trend of high exposure (Several Hundred Thousand Dollars) domestic worker claims in recent years. Consequently, it is critical that household employers are in compliance with all applicable wage and hour requirements to avoid their exposure to these wage and hour claims.... READ MORE

California’s New Covid-19 Supplemental Paid Sick Leave: What you need to know

On March 19, 2021, Governor Gavin Newsome signed a new Covid-19 Supplemental Paid Leave (“SPSL”) into law. The new SPSL is similar to the prior Covid-19 Supplemental Paid Sick Leave law that expired on December 31, 2020. The new law came into effect on March 29, 2021 and applies retroactively to January 1, 2021. The key and important issues to understand are as follows: Covered Employers: All employers with 26 or more employees are covered by the new SPSL. Covered Employees: The new law added 5 additional types of coverages that did not exist in the prior laws. The covered... READ MORE

When Did You Last Look at Your Business Plan?

Running a business is challenging enough despite the additional complications that can come with unforeseen circumstances whether that be a pandemic or sudden need to pivot quickly. The Small Business Administration (SBA) has long noted that 80% of businesses survive the first year, but almost half of the businesses fail by year five. Why is this? Why Many Small Businesses Fail The reason that these small businesses fail, first and foremost, is directly related to lack of business planning. Over the past several years, Chase Law Group has worked with entrepreneurs and small business owners from the time they start... READ MORE